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Join me as I traverse my way through recipes for meals and desserts, and a whole host of other things in the world of cuisine.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Chocolate Mousse

The hubby and I visited my favourite British Import Store this weekend, as I was out of Teabags.  I don't like Orange Pekoe tea, and unfortunately, that's mostly what the stores sell here in Canada.  So, we pay ridiculous prices for what I call 'English' teabags.  Luckily, the hubby doesn't complain.  He's such a sweetheart. 

Anyway, while we were there, I caught sight of a package of Strawberry Angel Delight.  This is a packaged dessert sold in the UK that's whisked together with milk to form a pudding or a mousse.  My mother used to make this for myself and my sister when we were kids, so I impulsively added a package to our purchases.  I guess I wanted to see if it tasted as good as I remembered.

I made it up for dessert that night, and it really DID taste as good as I remembered.  Both the hubby and my friend enjoyed it too.  But I got to thinking this morning about making my own.  Packaged dessert mixes just about always contain ingredients that aren't all that good for you.  I went hunting through the fridge and came across a pack of Semi Sweet Chocolate I'd bought a week or so back for a cake that I ended up not making.  The first thought through my head was 'Ooooh, Chocolate Mousse!'  A quick check online to ensure I had all the necessary ingredients, and off I went.

Chocolate Mousse is SO easy to prepare!  I didn't realize just HOW easy.  While it's sitting in my fridge, being chilled ready for dessert after dinner this evening, I confess to having tried a sneaky teaspoon of it, just to see.  Well, it's being served to guests - I had to check it right?  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!  Anywho, it tastes just LUSH!  It's creamy, it's chocolaty, and it's so so good!!  There is NO excuse for not making this people!  None at all!  Unless you don't like Chocolate, and lets face it, who DOESN'T like chocolate??


  • 1/4 cup. sugar
  • 2 tbsp. rum
  • 4 oz. chocolate (Squares or Chips)
  •  2 cups. whipping cream 
  • 2 egg whites
Dissolve 1/4 cup sugar and 2 tablespoons rum in saucepan. Don't let it brown.  With double boiler, melt chocolate. Stir in 2 to 3 tablespoons un-whipped whipping cream. Remove from heat, add sugar/rum mixture. Stir until smooth. Let cool.   Whip stiff 2 egg whites. Take cooled mixture and fold egg whites into chocolate. Let set while whipping 2 cups whipping cream.  Fold chocolate egg white mixture into whipped cream. Place into dishes. Cool for at least 2 hours, but not more than 24 hours.

While the directions say to place into dishes, I put mine into a big one.  That way, I can serve as much or as little as each individual would like.  If I'd set it into Ramekins, I'd still have had to use the bigger dish anyway to place the remainder into.  This mousse looks and tastes very very good.  I can't wait to serve it up!

Till next time, keep on cookin'!

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